Sunday, March 29, 2009

My European Holiday

Hello everyone,

WOW have we had an exciting couple of weeks. First of all London was amazing. We only had one day to really see everything London has to offer but it was well with the trip. Big Ben is a something everyone needs to see along with the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. The JW in London is also an amazing hotel to stay in and of course we had to splurge just a bit. So we decided to have in room dining at the hotel and that was an experience in it's self. They brought in a linen covered table with linen napkins and fine china for our dinner experience. Oh and by the way the Scottish smoked salmon is to die for. The best part was dinner was only 100 pounds. (You can do the conversion.)

We also visited the Hard Rock Cafe of London which is a totally different experience than the one in Salt Lake. The food was lovely and the atmosphere was brilliant.

For our next adventure, we foolishly decided to hire a car for the following week in Ireland. Now, you need to remember that we are driving on the left side of the road which has it's own experience to enjoy.

Bill is the chosen one to drive the car and make the right side of his brain work overtime. You also need to picture driving on a road that is only barely wide enough for a clown car and then add other clown cars (if you are lucky) heading right towards you. God forbid that you get a tractor or big truck coming the other direction at the same time you are on the road.

So, Bill has been driving for a day or so and he has finally stopped white knuckling the steering wheel and the Irish have stopped passing us since we have no idea what is coming at us around the next blind bend. Now he thinks he is a true Irish driver and take the bends at 100 KM an hour which is the correct speed limit. Except when you are the passenger I thought we were going to die.

We did see some amazing countryside and the closing of the eyes and ducking was well worth the trip.

Here are just a few pictures of the lovely things experienced.

Hope everyone is well and enjoys.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bill has arrived

Hello all,

Well Bill arrived to traditional Irish weather. The two of us have been busy exploring the city and surrounding areas. Of course we can't forget about checking out a couple of the local pubs either.

The weekend has been eventful as we visited the local street vender's for St Patrick's day festivals. We took the scenic route around the city and ended up in Blackpool which is at least 2 or 3 kilometers from the city center.

Tomorrow we are taking the city bus to see Blarney Castle so that should be an adventure all on its own.

Wednesday we are going to London so next week I will have lots of things to update everyone with and of course new pics for everyone to see.

Talk to everyone soon,
